lunedì 18 gennaio 2010

Bando di gara europeo in scadenza il 3 marzo 2010.

Karin scrive:

Bando di gara europeo in scadenza il 3 marzo 2010.

EU funding
Call for proposals: European Fund for the integration of third-country nationals
Budget line / available budget
The total indicative available amount will be EUR 4 580 000.
Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENAR's work
The European Commission is providing through the Community Actions of the European Fund for Integration for third-country nationals financial support for actions promoting the integration in the EU Member States of people who are not citizens of the EU.
On the basis of the policy context and general objectives described in the annual work programme of the Community actions 2009, the following three priorities and relative specific objectives will be pursued in 2009.
Priority 1: Gather public and migrant perceptions and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the integration processes
Priority 2: Promote integration measures targeting young population and addressing specific gender issues
Priority 3: Promote the role of civil society organisations and the local authorities in shaping integration strategies
Selected proposals must have foreseen and described expected results that could fall within one of the following categories:
Knowledge and understanding of contributions that migrants make to European societies and the benefits of legal migration promoted.
Capacity of media to reflect the increasing diversity in the European societies fostered.
Participation of third-country nationals, including in particular women, increased.
Training programmes developed.
Immigrant children and young generations of third-country nationals' integration improved.
Immigrants' integration indicators developed and improved.
Databases created.
Knowledge of specific integration related issues enhanced.
Knowledge of good practices and their transferability in other contexts improved.
Good practices, new schemes and tools on third-country nationals' integration also to be linked with the European Website on Integration tested.
Integration of third-country nationals as a dynamic, two-way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and citizens of Member States enhanced.
Frequent interaction between immigrants and Member States' citizens promoted.
Number and groups of immigrants involved in the formulation of integration policies and in consultative bodies or fora of participation in the local life increased.
Comparative research and studies carried out (including at regional and local level where relevant).
Number of innovative pilot projects implemented increased.
Increased number of good practices identified and shared.
New integration models identified, developed and diffused.
Trans-national networks and dialogue platforms involving immigrants and stakeholders supported.
Empowerment of immigrants promoted.
Multi-stakeholder co-operation, such as between governmental and civil society actors promoted.
Understanding of immigration and integration issues across the EU increased.
Integration of immigrant children and young generations of third-country nationals improved.
Immigrant women's integration facilitated.
The call for proposals will be open to national, regional and local authorities, Non Governmental Organisations, public or private bodies (including university departments, research centres) registered in any of the 26 Member States participating in the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals (EU Member States except Denmark), as well as international organisations. The call for proposals is open to organisations working on a non profit basis and with proven experience and expertise in the fields covered, taking into account their respective competences.
Actions should be implemented through the coordination of a partnership. Since these actions are trans-national, they must include partners from at least FIVE different Member States.
Projects must be submitted by a legal person, i.e. the co-ordinator, who carries out the project with at least FOUR other distinct and independent legal persons established in different Member States.
Legal basis
The purpose of this notice is to invite proposals for Community Actions covered by the Integration Fund Work Programme 2009, which was adopted on 15 October 2009.
Community contribution
The amount of grant per project cannot exceed 80,00% of the total eligible costs. Union funding per project will not exceed 750.000 EUR nor be less than 200.000 EUR.
Publication reference
General remarks

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